Data streaming for new levels is not the same as streaming content in and out. GTA doesn't use terrain, not so far anyway, perhaps they will use some later, but right now, it's all been modeled and cut up, exported with LODs and streamed. Unity can do a lot of things, but you show me an open world game with unity that is not just a terrain with trees and some models batched over it, with a volcano, and I will eat a hat.

The Grit engine is being made for real open world games with objectives, with LOD and real modeled worlds like in GTA and GTA modding, Red Dead Redemption, Bully, games like that - but it is early in development. Unity is not suitable for open world games like GTA and neither is UDK, nor are they "just like regular games without objectives!" If you make sure that there is less that 600 ,000 polys at one time and there is only very important scripts running then i assure you that your game will run smoothly. If there is more than that at one point you should consider repositioning buildings or tweaking the LOD's so that the buildings reduce their polys sooner. I recommend trying to get under 600,000 polys especially if your game will have player built structures. When you develop this open world game you want i reccomend PLANNING out like a map where all the trees and buildings are going to be and draw some lines and measure how many models are active at once, you can also put in a camera with unity and look at the "stats" tab to see how many objects and polys are active at once. Aslong as you have correctly placed LOD's and try to minimise active scripts then your game should run as smooth as a babies bottom.
If you wander through one of the games you mentioned (GTA/Saints.) take notice of the map and the way everything works you will notice that things in the very far distance may just be a cube with textures and as you get closer then it get windows and then more and more detail is added.
Unity can handle a full open world map the size of dayz PROVIDING you manage LOD correctly. Also i highly recommend NOT using multiple scenes for the map this creates unnecessary loading times and a bunch of if() statements and scripts you shouldn't need running in the background. Games such as Rust, The Forest and Epidemic use Unit圓D and are all open world. It is all possible with unity, you may come across some culling issues with rendering but that can be dealt with by LOD and occlusion culling.